Monday, November 06, 2006

A quesadilla and 3, 4, 5 ,6 Beers

Sorry, but at 25, I still complain about my parents. That's ok, Tim Kinsella's mom breast-fead him 'till he was 4.
Joe-3cm, just before deffication. Again, sorry...and sorry. I went to see Make Believe last night with one Joseph Mains, and two: Matt Fahy. It's always is good to seeee them. Sam stood still so he could play with an intense face. Tim told tales-tenaciously traversed Twain's talents, too. Tim asked: Does anyone have anything to say? All the lovers could come up with was: I love everything that comes out of your penis and your ass. I will finish six beers to hold true to the title. Fuckabees.


Joseph Mains said...

Yes, the show was (re)cock/ulus. Hope the poems slays you, man.

Matt Pool said...

I love Paul!

And, no way. Did Tim really suck it till he was four?

Joseph Mains said...

Smart men suck it much beyond the age of four. Examine the underwear'd man to the right for further examples of this. }

Keith said...

man. though Im a tard and dont know what you're talkin about, I still miss ya.