Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Like GODSPELL was for Jesus

I'm waiting for my next parent to walk in and have a pow wow about their bright urchins conduct. Sixth graders are sly...they are sneaking little slys. Most will deny every ill accusation to the bare bones. And, they like MANGA (working at Borders has earned me that little bit of info about current styles in literature). Man, and they think they are the COOLEST.
Along with beanie babies and soap novels, manga is the smelly fart of psuedo culture. I fart a lot too, though; this is my only creative expression that's going down right now. Parent walking in....


Joseph Mains said...

man, i don't like the sound of that crap one bit. looks like i may be hitting the xanadu of sixth grade myself pretty soon, here. get ready for make believe, man. there will be fatherly representation from the three major latatudes in arizona. i'm makin' the bed with you in it. i'm makin' the bed with you in it. i need to wipe my butt just a minute. i'm makin' the bed with you in it. baba duhduh duhduh duhduh.

rosie said...

I already miss you guys, come back :)

rosie said...

come look, i posted pictures from your visit.

Adrian Martinez said...

dang paul, you too. i look foward to reading you blog my man. i got a new one by the way.