Tuesday, March 20, 2007

there's no such thing--do what we can.

"The women of Ravenna kiss
Rarely and deep, they kiss back.
And all they know about life is that
We all have to die."
Hermann Hesse, Ravenna (2)

Spring Break, mother visit, and unravelled. Awkward. Thus. Thus.


Keith said...

hey bro, long time. Good to see your little miss is growing and doing well. Sux to hear of the awkwardness of family. Havent read "Ravenna" but I will be sure to pick it up next time round the old bookshop. How is teaching?

rosie said...

I love that little franny bird

JP said...

miss you paul. i always hope ann lynn didnt do something awkward to you, or us, as well. miss you though, i think of you alot and i hope you and your family are very well. i hope to meet your child sometime too. bless you - josh

Matt Pool said...

Two beauties!
Lets talk on the phone soon.

JP said...

thanks man, that sounds like a dream to me. come visit.